Community Hall Newsletter July 2021

Finally, we have turned a corner (we hope) on this blasted pandemic. The high vaccination rate on Gabriola is heartening and with Bonnie Henry allowing larger group gatherings, the Community Hall is here once again to welcome and serve the community. The Vancouver Island Health Authority conducted three well-organized vaccination clinics – with some inevitable wifi glitches which were overcome with good will and good grace from all sides. Thank you to the whole community and its army of volunteers! …

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Community Hall Newsletter April 2021

March marked an important milestone for GICHA with the installation of a generator financed by the RDN in accordance with its recent designation of the Hall as an Emergency Reception Centre. After many years of discussion at the board and community level on the importance of having a facility in the South End of the island capable of responding to emergencies, it’s extremely heartening to be able to…

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Community Hall Newsletter February 2021

Here we are already in February and, despite the current cold snap, seeing the unmistakable signs of spring. How strange to look back to a year ago when the first rumblings of a seismic change appeared on the horizon and to see how day to day life has been upended and transformed. But we are nothing if not adaptable and it has been uplifting…

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Update: Annual General Meeting Moved Online

As a result of the Provincial Government’s directives issued yesterday, the in-person AGM scheduled for Sunday, November 22nd has been cancelled and will instead be held via Zoom on Sunday, November 29th at 2:00 pm. To participate, please send an email to and we will send you the link.

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Community Hall Newsletter November 2020

This November newsletter will be short and sweet, with the main message being that the Community Hall’s AGM is coming up fast on Sunday, November 22nd at 3.30pm. Right now, we’re likely all a little tired of elections and the attendant drama, but at least the Hall’s AGM and election of directors promises to be drama-free and informative, we hope. As of today…

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Annual General Meeting

The Gabriola Community Hall’s Annual General Meeting is taking place: Sunday November 22 at 3:30 p.m. Please join us in the main hall where physical distancing can take place. Masks are mandatory. Election of board of directors. Review of the year and input from the membership. New members are welcome and can sign up at the door. Regretfully there will be no refreshments.

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Community Hall Newsletter September 2020

Where the heck did that unusual summer go?  It whizzed by, didn’t it? The At Home Salmon Barbeque was a great success, and thanks to our wonderful community, the fundraiser surpassed our expectations.   We raised nearly $10,000 aside from donations…..we paid the insurance premium and had money left over!  Thank you to the community…

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Community Hall Newsletter June 2020

We live in difficult times… But all things considered, we are very fortunate to live on this beautiful Island that we share with so many people who are following the rules. We are keeping safe, we are strong and we are kind. At this time, the Board has decided to allow a limited re-opening of the Hall to renters on a case by case basis provided protocols can be met and we will continue to monitor the situation as it evolves.

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