Community Hall Newsletter September 2022

It’s with some relief and gratitude that we are able to report on the success of the 67th Annual Salmon BBQ that took place on August 13th. Relief that we were finally able to gather safely together for this iconic summer event after two years spent sheltering in place. A true island community celebration with great food, music, dancing and fellowship…

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Community Hall Newsletter July 2022

Now that the sun has finally made more than a fleeting appearance and summer activities are in full swing, it’s time for a brief update on what has been happening at your Hall since our last newsletter in May.

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Community Hall Newsletter May 2022

Our last newsletter appeared in February and here we are, in the blink of an eye, already in May! So lots to report but I’ll start with the sad news of the deaths of two former directors of the Hall. Charles Wilson served two years on the board before ill health...

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Community Hall Newsletter February 2022

The snowdrops are in bloom, daffodils have poked through the soil and hope for better times is in the air. It’s been a difficult time for many in our community and it’s our job to support each other in our time of need. Our Community Hall has been host to more...

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Community Hall Newsletter December 2021

We’re happy to introduce our 2021/2022 board that was elected by acclamation at the Annual General Meeting held at the Hall on November 28th. We look forward to working with new and old directors in these challenging times to keep the Hall doors open and the lights on…

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Community Hall Newsletter October 2021

Gabriola does indeed provide! This month we’re happy to report that our project for a stage and gathering space is proceeding without the necessity of placing a lien on the Hall itself. At the special General Meeting convened on October 17th…

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Community Hall Newsletter September 2021

You will most likely remember from last month’s newsletter that we have received funding from the ICIP-CVRIS Program by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia for the creation of an Outdoor Community Gathering Space on Gabriola. The total amount of the funding…

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Community Hall Newsletter August 2021

We are delighted to be able to tell you that the Hall has received funding from the ICIP-CVRIS Program by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia for the creation of an Outdoor Community Gathering Space on Gabriola. We were informed of the award back at the beginning of June but were sworn to secrecy until the official announcement was made…

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Community Hall Newsletter July 2021

Finally, we have turned a corner (we hope) on this blasted pandemic. The high vaccination rate on Gabriola is heartening and with Bonnie Henry allowing larger group gatherings, the Community Hall is here once again to welcome and serve the community. The Vancouver Island Health Authority conducted three well-organized vaccination clinics – with some inevitable wifi glitches which were overcome with good will and good grace from all sides. Thank you to the whole community and its army of volunteers! …

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