2018 Statement of Significance
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The history of the Community Hall on Gabriola is a long one. Years ago (about 65 years actually) the pioneers of Gabriola built a community hall at the South end of the island. It served the island for many years until, sadly, it burned to the ground in 1979 just after being repainted and refurbished.
Fundraising to build a new Hall began that very summer at the Annual Salmon Barbeque. Public meetings were held to get a feel from the community just what was needed in rebuilding the Hall. Then in l981, an architect was hired and, using the small amount of money from the insurance claim and money donated from the community, a design that we could afford was decided upon. By October 1982, pioneer resident Jim Rollo turned the sod to begin rebuilding the Hall for the community. Volunteer workers, funds from a generous estate endowment, money from a Community Recovery grant and a NEED grant brought the building to lock-up. From then on the work was done by volunteers and what a heady time that was! Plumbing and electrical work was donated by generous patrons of the Hall. The community of Gabriola can be proud of the money raised in a door-to-door campaign by Board members to bring the Hall to a finishing point.
The Opening Ceremony took place on August 1984 with Jacqueline Sears cutting the ribbon. She was one of the last members of the Shaw Estate who owned the site and her father had donated the land to be used as a community hall in perpetuity. The usual wonderful Salmon Barbeque followed the opening concert and a dance ended the evening, christening the beautiful fir floor.
The Hall has been home to the Gabriola Parent Participation Pre-School since that date to the present time. The 2500 square foot main hall has been used for badminton and recreation activities, large meetings, small meetings, Gabriola Choir, theatre and many other community events. Every August, the Hall holds it Annual Salmon Barbeque which is our only fund-raiser. The money raised at the Barbeque pays the insurance premium for the Hall. The Board is proud to say that although we aren’t rolling in money, the Hall is unencumbered as we have maintained the hall with no support from taxes. Our last fund raising Barbeque was the 56th one!
Every Gabriolan over 16 years of age is a member of the Community Hall.
We welcome input from the Community and would love to hear from you.
Use our contact form here or use our email if you prefer, info@communityhall.com.
For a full list of Board of Directors and Trustees see our Contacts Page.
2018 Statement of Significance
View PDF created by dewhirst lessard consulting