Community Hall Newsletter July 2024

You last heard from us in March when our newsletter began with an apology for the delay in getting our updates out due to the all-consuming activity once the construction on the Lund Gathering Place had begun. Well, here we are in July and…

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Community Hall Newsletter March 2024

It’s been three months since our last newsletter - our apologies for being late with our regular update of happenings at the Hall. However, it’s also a sign of how busy we have been now that we’re finally in the construction phase of the Lund Gathering Place and many...

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Community Hall Newsletter December 2023

As 2023 draws to a conclusion, it’s time to look back over the year and review the highlights, the challenges and – why not? – also our successes. The primary focus for the Board this year has been guiding the project for the Lund Gathering Place forward to a point where the completion…

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Community Hall Newsletter October 2023

With fall resoundingly arrived, your Community Hall is back in the saddle, juggling events and activities with a high priority on pushing forward with the Lund Gathering Place. In a recent edition of the Sounder there…

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Community Hall Newsletter August 2023

Summer is almost at an end and we can be grateful for a long hot summer and grateful that we are safe on our island paradise. Another successful Community Hall Salmon Barbeque was held on August 12 at the Hall…

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Community Hall Newsletter June 2023

Since our last newsletter in February, there has been a flurry of activity at the Hall, in addition to the regular activities and events that take place on any given day here.

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Community Hall Newsletter February 2023

It’s lovely to sit and write this newsletter in the sunshine right now. Hopeful signs for Spring everywhere. The Board of the Community Hall continues to proceed with building the Outdoor Community Gathering Space. We have hired…

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Community Hall Newsletter December 2022

As we come to the end of 2022, it seems a good time to recap the evolution of our project for creating an Outdoor Community Gathering Space on Gabriola. In June of 2021 we received notification that our grant application to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program…

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Community Hall Newsletter October 2022

Here we are, waiting for autumn to begin as we continue to enjoy these glorious sunny warm days and cool nights. We are, of course, desperate for water and soon it will come... Just to let you know we are holding our Annual General Meeting on Saturday November 19th at...

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Community Hall Newsletter September 2022

It’s with some relief and gratitude that we are able to report on the success of the 67th Annual Salmon BBQ that took place on August 13th. Relief that we were finally able to gather safely together for this iconic summer event after two years spent sheltering in place. A true island community celebration with great food, music, dancing and fellowship…

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