It’s with some relief and gratitude that we are able to report on the success of the 67th Annual Salmon BBQ that took place on August 13th. Relief that we were finally able to gather safely together for this iconic summer event after two years spent sheltering in place. A true island community celebration with great food, music, dancing and fellowship, all the more joyous after so many dark days. And gratitude for the community’s contribution in so many different ways – volunteering, buying tickets, donating prizes, sponsoring – that resulted in this year’s event raising more funds than ever before! Over 620 dinners were served and we netted over $20,000. Thank you Gabriola!
In years past, the profit from the Salmon BBQ enabled the Hall to pay its insurance premium and to keep our rental rates as low as possible. Nothing much has changed in this respect and while we are delighted to see the jump in BBQ revenues, it pains us to note that there has also been a $5,000 jump in the cost of our insurance premiums this year. So onwards and upwards.
Of course, an event like this needs the participation of the community to make it happen. The Sounder recently carried a list of all the volunteers; here I would just like to mention the event coordinator, Julie Stewart, whose boundless energy, good humour and brilliant organization skills made it all look so easy! Thank you too, to Elder Ardyth Cooper, for her welcome and land acknowledgment that opened the festivities. And all the businesses and individuals who contributed auction and raffle prizes that helped boost our revenues:
Tammy Hudgeon, Deb Chaney, Gabriola Golf Club, Mara Brenner, Anne Havard, Gabriola Kyokushkin, BC Ferries, Environmental Cisterns, Steve Struthers, Aquality, Sonja Arntzen, Carol McLelland, Margaret Mann, Sunstone Pottery, Rob Robinson, Tied Up & Dyed, Susie Gilmour, Pam Templmayr, IHAG, Ground Up, Dallas Rose, Silver Bee, Eva MacDonald, Judith Madsen, Gwen Spinks, Gary Badke, Marchlight, Ant Designs, Maxx P. Duncalfe, Pa-Ta-Ti Creations, Jayne Patrick, Sheila Norgate, Moonshine Studio, Port Theatre, Carolyn Bell, ADF Craft Works, Gulf Island Seaplanes, North Road Sports, Wild Rose Garden Centre, Wendy Ewing, Gwen’s Gourmet Goodies, Anita Jackel Leather Design, Gabriola Arts Council, Starfish Soap Company, Megan Wurster, BJ Godson, Heather McCullough, Ida Aliaga, The Haven.

Photo credit: Joyce Babula

Photo credit: Larry Walske
On to our project for an Outdoor Community Gathering Space: the committee tasked with site and design concept selection has been meeting regularly and we should be in a position to let you all know what it will all look like before too long. But believe me, juggling lot lines, setbacks, variances, covenants, zoning, permits, not to mention budgets, is not easy! But things are moving forward and we will keep the community apprised of developments.
Rentals seem to be going back to pre-COVID levels and we have also welcomed a few new regular renters. We have a new rental agent, Kathy Anderson, who can be contacted at to assist you with any rental enquiries.
Finally, while still enjoying this balmy summer weather, it might seem a bit premature looking forward to November’s AGM, but plan we must. We will be looking for a new Treasurer this year – however, it’s important to know that the wonderful Julie Stewart again has stepped up to volunteer her bookkeeping services, significantly lightening the commitment required of our Treasurer. If you think you might be interested in taking on this role, or being part of our board as a director, please contact me. We’re a collegial and dynamic bunch and these are exciting times for the Hall! Join us!
Joyce Babula, President
On behalf of the Board of Directors