Community Hall September 2019 Newsletter
Summer is gone and with it the very successful Salmon Barbecue, the flat roof, new windows, and a host of lesser things. So many people to thank! Michael Brown at the Village Liquor Store for their August 1% gift of $1,040—on the very day that the roof was finished! Julie Stewart and her legions of helpers at the Barbecue. Mike Peltzer for making sure that the contractors had what they needed as they worked. And last but not least…
Community Hall August 2019 Newsletter
We all had a wonderful evening at the Annual Salmon BBQ on August 10th. The food was tasty, as usual. The music was funky. The dancing was spectacular—and the rain stayed away. We are grateful to all and sundry for the $16,000 profit that we will put to good use upgrading your Hall. Attached are some snapshots. However, if you would like…
Community Hall July 2019 Newsletter
A little late this month, I’m afraid. After two successive Board meetings at which we were unable to get quorums, there are a lot of things on the back burner! But quite a lot in progress also. … The Hall is as busy as ever …
64th (and best) Salmon BBQ
Yes, it’s that time of year! The Community Hall is once again hosting its annual Salmon BBQ on Saturday, August 10th – it will be the best ever! Proceeds go to support the Community Hall and its many activities. The hard-working and efficient coordinator is once again Julie Stewart. A thousand thanks, Julie!
Community Hall June 2019 Newsletter
The past month has seen lots of activity. Of note was the Friends of the Library Book Sale on June 1st and 2nd. The tables were loaded with novels, puzzle books, and works of culture, humour, art, history, etc. It was well attended and raised a significant sum for our Library. Readers rejoice!
Community Hall May 2019 Newsletter
Hello again. And welcome to the summer, though I am grateful for the few drops of rain before the drought sets in. I have been away for a while recently and missed the May Board meeting, leaving things in the very capable hands of our Vice-President, Elizabeth...
June 8 & 9th: Gabriola Dance Presents – The Giving Tree & Where the Sidewalk Ends
Gabriola Dance Presents: The Giving Tree & Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein June 8th, 1pm and 6pm @ The Community Hall June 9th, 1pm @ The Community Hall Admission by donation to the Community Hall fund. Poster art: Joni Young Dancer: Jacklin Buckingham...
Calling All Artists: Donations Wanted Towards “Raising the Roof” Silent Auction
Calling all artists: As you may know, The Community Hall is raising funds to replace the roof. The goal is to raise $20,000 matching funds for the approximately $40,000 needed for the new roof. We want to help towards that goal. On May 3, The Paul Gellman Band will be...
Community Hall April Newsletter UPDATE
Amid the April showers, we had a very productive Board (never bored!) meeting on the 18th. We are getting ready for the Paul Gellman concert on May 3rd and also for a very interesting workshop with Brent Barootes on April 24th.
Raising the Roof Concert and Dance – May 3rd
A benefit for the Community Hall’s new roof! May 3rd — Paul Gellman Band, featuring Brad Shipley, Jacquie Parker-Snedker & Alicia Murray. Get your tickets early!