This being the first newsletter since the Salmon BBQ on August 10th which also marked the inauguration of the Lund Gathering Place, it seems a good idea to provide a recap of the event. I am pleased to report that the BBQ was a financial success, our best to date, and the Gathering Place garnered high praise from performers, dignitaries and community members alike. One little glitch seems to have been that my speech acknowledging funders, donors and volunteers was inaudible to all but those in the front seats (despite the high-tech sound system, there were definitely gremlins at work), so it is my pleasure to use this forum as a heartfelt thank you to so many in the community.

Photo credit: Derek Kilbourn, The Gabriola Sounder

Firstly, our funders, thank you to the Province and the Federal government for awarding a sizeable grant under their joint COVID19 Relief funding programme. It was also very helpful to have the Nanaimo Foundation Vital Fund grant which went towards the parking area reconfiguration and the installation of an EV charger. We also received a generous donation from private donors – Paul and Mary McGiven. Thank you all.

Starting back in 2020, we have to thank Laura-Jean Kelly and Cameron Murray of Topographics who helped with the budget for the grant application and then once we were successful, they brought together an advisory committee, choosing the site and issuing an RFP for architectural services. Basically, they got us launched on this exciting venture.

A key member of this advisory committee was Graham McDonald who became our volunteer project manager and whose involvement was a blessing from the very beginning. His expertise and perseverance got us to today’s opening.  His HUGE volunteer service for this Island has helped Gabriola accomplish several important projects like the Gabriola Medical Clinic and the HOPE Daycare Centre. He has our undying gratitude.

Via a tender process, we were pleased to award the design contract to Vince Iameo and his capable team at Architrave right here on Gabriola. Executive members of the Community Hall board met with the team of Vince, Kate, Courtney and Ryan until we were all satisfied with the design. Huge thanks to Vince and his team who dedicated countless hours (many unbilled) to create this beautiful structure and who went above and beyond in every way.

We are grateful to Jim Strobl Construction who was awarded the construction contract after the plans went out to tender. It was satisfying to see members of our community working with Jim’s team. Local contractors were used where possible. Construction was also facilitated with a loan from the Gabriola Island Community Investment Co-op for which we are grateful.

The EV Charging Station was envisioned as part of the design and is now functional thanks to the Nanaimo Foundation grant and in collaboration with the RDN.

Sheila Malcolmson, NDP Candidate for Nanaimo-Gabriola Island, charging her electric vehicle.

Photo credit: Vanessa Craig, RDN Director

I must mention generous in-kind donations from Bob Rooks of Gabriola Gravel and Excavating who started this project by removing the big old maple tree, then excavating the foundation and finishing with the whole reconfiguration of the parking area. Prices of material and labour had skyrocketed since we submitted our application and this donation was an enormous help as it added much needed funds and flexibility to our budget.

Thank you also to Arbutus Home Hardware who donated the metal that was used to sheath the storage area.

It was satisfying to see members of our community working on the project with Jim’s construction team and Avalon Energy Corporation Ryan St. Pierre and his Electrical team.

I also want to thank individuals and groups who got us to the end of our first phase of this project.

Our hardworking board appreciates both GALTT and the Gabriola Garden Club represented here by Yvonne Kabata and Doug Smith who have met with our Secretary Laurie McDonald to begin a consultation on the kinds of indigenous plantings we are encouraging for around the Gathering Place and in particular for the berm.

We are committed to going forward with the second phase and to making the Lund Gathering Place a real showpiece. As we receive additional funds from various sources, including individual donations, we will install a green roof and plant the berm with appropriate indigenous plants; we will install cisterns to water our roof and berm; add solar panels, lighting and sound equipment, a standalone outdoor washroom, possible retractable walls are all part of our plan to make the area more attractive and functional for user groups.

Looking forward to the fall, we have our AGM coming up on November 16th  at 3pm. All are welcome and we are always looking for new board members to join us so if you’re up for a challenge we’d love to hear from you. We will also hold our Annual Volunteer Recognition event on the same day at 2 pm for all the volunteers and donors who helped make the Salmon BBQ such a success.

And on Saturday December 14th, we’re organizing for the first time an old fashioned Christmas Faire with craftspeople selling their wares, fun activities for children, Santa Claus, carols and hot chocolate! Keep an eye out for the posters and put the date in your calendars.

Thank you for your attention and support and here’s looking forward to a cozy and fun-filled fall season.


Joyce Babula, President
On behalf of the Board of Directors