You last heard from us in March when our newsletter began with an apology for the delay in getting our updates out due to the all-consuming activity once the construction on the Lund Gathering Place had begun. Well, here we are in July and our heads are spinning with an even more frenzied activity level as we near the conclusion of this phase of our project.


You will have a chance to see for yourselves at the official opening of the Lund Gathering Place on August 10th at 4 pm, to be followed by the 69th Annual Salmon BBQ. As always, it promises to be a grand day: four hours of local entertainment, a delicious fresh salmon dinner with all the trimmings, beer and Ravenskill Orchard Cider, a children’s area, 50/50 raffle and silent auction.

Tickets are available at the BBQ (bring cash) but in order to avoid line-ups please buy your tickets in advance from Colleen’s, or North Road Sports, or online at our website:

We’re always looking for volunteers to give a hand as well as auction items, large and small, to help us raise funds, If you’re able to help out, please contact us at:

The Lund Gathering Place – named for the late Gail Lund, a beloved community leader, activist, educator, choir leader and champion of the Community Hall and all things Gabriolan – will provide the island with a covered outdoor, multi-purpose space that can be utilized by islanders in a myriad of ways. The structure, surrounded by a green area, has a footprint of approximately 1000 sq.ft. with a concrete foundation, a curved roof supported by steel beams and with storage and electrical closets located towards the back. The surroundings have been reconfigured to rationalize the parking area, increasing safety and accessibility, and include an EV Charging Station, installed as a result of a collaboration with the Regional District of Nanaimo and a separate grant from the Nanaimo Foundation. And for those of you who have been scratching your heads at the huge mound of earth surrounding the structure, rest assured – we have a plan! Once we have the funds, it will become a beautiful green berm that will improve the acoustics for performers while providing noise mitigation for neighbours and it will be planted with native vegetation.

The design allows for the later incorporation of eco-friendly features such as a green roof and berm (see above), rainwater harvesting, solar panels, underground services, integrated lighting and furnishings which will be undertaken in a subsequent stage as new funding becomes available. The Hall has already applied for grants to carry out this second phase and is extremely grateful for substantial donations that have been designated to help us achieve this expanded vision.

The Opening Ceremony on August 10th is an opportunity for the Gabriola Island Community Hall to recognize and thank its major funders, individual donors, supporters and volunteers and the community at large who came together to bring this important island infrastructure project to fruition. We are delighted that Nanaimo-Ladysmith M.P., Lisa Marie Barron, will be present, as will Doug Routley, our MLA in one of his last official events before he steps down as the representative for Nanaimo-North Cowichan. Gabriola resident, currently the MLA for Nanaimo and Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction as well as the NDP candidate for the new riding of Nanaimo-Gabriola Island, Sheila Malcolmson, will act as MC for the proceedings.
The Hall is a registered charity run by a volunteer board with the goal of maintaining and preserving the Hall as a community asset in perpetuity for all islanders. The Lund Gathering Place is an exciting new addition to our community’s infrastructure and we welcome all to help us celebrate its opening.

Thanks for your attention, and I hope to see as many of you as possible on August 10th!


Joyce Babula, President
On behalf of the Board of Directors