We live in difficult times… But all things considered, we are very fortunate to live on this beautiful Island that we share with so many people who are following the rules. We are keeping safe, we are strong and we are kind.

Photo credit: Sarah, Gabriola Sounder
At this time, the Board has decided to allow a limited re-opening of the Hall to renters on a case by case basis provided protocols can be met and we will continue to monitor the situation as it evolves. Fortunately, we don’t have many bookings in the summer from the regular renters.
We are delighted to let everyone know that the board has just approved an agreement with the RDN to designate the Hall as an Emergency Reception Centre for the South End. In order to meet RDN requirements for the designation, a heat pump has been installed at the Hall’s expense; a generator will be installed by the RDN sometime in the future. We are still fundraising to cover the cost of the heat pump but more about this later. A big thank you to Past President, Peter Jones, who initiated and stick handled this project to its end! His exemplary diplomacy, patience and grace got us to the finish line!
One of the cancellations that has hit our island is the 65th Annual Salmon Barbeque. This annual fundraiser brings in enough money to pay our insurance policy and because it is so popular – with over 600 meals served – there is usually a bit left over to apply to our operating costs.
The Board and its Executive have come up with an alternative idea to raise some money and to organize an event in the Hall’s longstanding tradition of community building, even in these difficult times. The Pandemic Salmon BBQ will take place as usual on the second Saturday of August (the 8th), only this year islanders will purchase the Salmon from us in sleeves of a half and one pound weights that we will acquire from our regular supplier, Hub City Fishing. We will have scheduled drive-by pick up at the Hall on Saturday August 8th and we are hoping the community will go home and have a family/friends Barbeque and raise a glass to the continued good health of us all. Please take a short video or photos of your barbeques and we will gather up all the events into a Community video. This way we can be together while staying apart. Watch for details and ticket sales via social media, the Sounder and posters.
We are well aware of the devastating impact that the pandemic has had on many in our community and made a conscious decision to step back from active fundraising to give priority to those organizations who provide primary support and assistance to those in need.
That said, it is now time for us to address the severe shortfall we will face without the revenue from the Annual Salmon Barbeque. The Community can help us weather these difficulties in various ways:
— You will be able to reserve your purchase of salmon shortly – please watch out for an email notifying that sales are open.
— Make a donation via our website using your credit card or e-transfer to our Treasurer Hank Reid at email: hankreid@telus.net. If you aren’t online, we welcome you to donate the old-fashioned way – via a cheque in the mail to: Gabriola Community Hall, Box 205 Gabriola V0R1X0. We hope that the community will rise to the occasion and donate some extra money as well as buying fish.
— Ongoing fundraising for the heat pump as part of the Emergency Reception Centre project – please use your Community Card with the Hall as beneficiary when you buy groceries at Nesters.
— Canadian seniors who receive OAP will be receiving an extra $300 on their pensions in July. Some Gabriola seniors, who do not have a pressing need for this $300 supplement, are considering gifting it forward to a charity on Gabriola. If this idea appeals to you, please consider donating some part of it to your Community Hall!
And, as always, we do want to say thank you to all the people who have already donated to the Community Hall via Canada Helps’ website here.
Watch for details of the Fundraiser that replaces the 65th Annual Salmon Barbeque. The website and Sounder will have more information.
Stay well.
Joyce Babula
Gabriola Community Hall Association